Tag: project in progress

  • My Current Progress on the Big Fish Animation: 5-9-24

    My Current Progress on the Big Fish Animation: 5-9-24

    Time for another Project in Progress, where every seven(ish) days, make an update to what I’m working on. While I planned to get it done this week, my most recent project, The Big Fish Exhibit, is going to need a bit more work. But, I still made a lot of progress, so lets get started!…

  • The Big Fish Exhibit – A Project in Progress

    The Big Fish Exhibit – A Project in Progress

    Long Time No See, Huh? To start off, I know I don’t post a lot. My apologies, but also things take a lot of time, and with my day job that time gets even longer. But, instead of ghosting this website for 2+ months between projects, I wanted to make some smaller posts every week…